I remember walking to school, under the bridge and watching children playing in the woods. I remember the first time I visited the shop; it was packed with sweets as an older man cleaned the floor with a mop. I remember the times when running outside to play; friends were plenty, and life was gay. […]
Category Archives: Poetry
The Essence Of Poetry
Enjoy poetry about life, death, love, human emotions and journeys into the unknown
People talk to me, and I listen through my head. I wait for my time to interject and speak words of little intellect. Conversation ripples through the air; It means nothing if you decide to deselect. Sometimes, it’s best to walk away; this (person) audience is self-possessed. I watch you; then you watch me, but […]
The daisy is the most inviting flower in the world. She sits with the grass and waves with a curl. Her amber singing heart plays a beautiful song, but it can only be heard through the wind on a wand. Make a daisy chain or a crown for a twirl. The flashes of gold are […]
Nothingness Am I nothing? Do I mean something? Can people see me? I ride through life wanting more. No one is listening to me. Do I have any thoughts? I’m questioning my intuition. I walk past the river, listening to its noise. I can hear the fish talk, and see a single water-fly making ripples […]
I cry in shame. I cry when life cries for the same. I cry for babies who feel hunger. I cry when I see no change. I cry when a newborn baby is delivered into my hands. I cry through emotions. I cry on my own. I cry because these tears will never be seen. […]
I am who I am. I will be who I’ll be. It’s up to me, to see this reality that defines time. I’m here, and I’m there. I feel pain, and I’m scared. I pretend to be blind, but the sounds show me. I’m hungry and alive. You see me, and I see you. I […]
The sky is blue. The sunflower is yellow. The grass is green. All designed to make you mellow. Everything human-made is grey. Some things propose a painted colour; offering your mind a suggestive flower. Live among the trees. Dance, between the hedges. Roll around in the autumn leaves. Climb a mountain until your lungs freeze. […]
Waiting to sleep. The mind won’t sleep. Awakening thoughts make the mind dream but in a woken state. Waiting to sleep. The visuals talk me out of sleep. Tell me another story; enabling DMT to excrete. Can’t sleep; won’t sleep; the dry air rattling through the rigid hairs in my eardrums – won’t let me […]
Did you ever hear the story of a lost city near space? It’s magical with wonders, technological ponders, exuberates colours and sits low – above the thunder. Unseen people live at the top through the highest mountain. It’s peaceful, civil, beautiful and vibrant. They seek minds crying with intelligence while speaking through secret, philosophical elegance. […]
Did you ever notice we are all living the same lives? A moment saw, by many breathing in disguise. I’ve seen myself in everyone I meet, did you ever see the same man standing in the street? I’m an actor, a lawyer, a company owner or a doctor; helping patients fall asleep. Did you ever […]