Past poems talk of stars that softly fall into your arms. Poets speak and sing of love as it hides under a dying Sun. A beautiful woman calls to her man, in the morning when the sea-salt passes through the sands. The cold waves wash in feelings of warmth as the rays from the North […]
1). We pretended to be married and loved each other anyway. 2). We drunk gin and lemonade as the sun departed into the night. 3). We sent text messages in the night, so those words would always stay out of sight. 4). She doesn’t wear makeup and neither do I. 5). Like magic, we disappeared […]
Odyssey 2121 Weightless wonders and magic stars, point out a universe that wants to be ours. We visit the Moon, then on to Neptune – for a reason to study and make more progress with the Ecco Magnetic Space Stroller (EMSS). The EMSS is a cool bit of kit as it turns into a rocket […]
Looking into the night sky; I know it isn’t dark. Beyond human light-pollution is a wonder painted as art. The galaxy we sit in, lights up space-time like a light bulb reflecting through the black hole of your eye. 100 billion stars twirl into a dance – pulling planets around in a 360° trance. Some […]
Words defining their existence In the presence of your soul; working towards unlocking the minds of a universal scroll. Poetry is an art that combines the essence of life through the fabrication of reality. Strike me with your wisdom, philosophy, love and journeys beyond your creative imagination. Poetry is, poetry was, and poetry will sharpen […]
Please enjoy this little collection of poems about the journeys we live through life. Some journeys find us, but we have to make life happen, or we will end up lost with no help. These poems will help heal your mind and move you forward with family, friends and loved ones. Listen to the chitter-chatter […]
I’m just a boy who grew up on a council estate. I watched people through my lazy eye and felt feelings that made me cry. I was born left-handed with some form of ADHD. They said I was on the spectrum as I failed all my exams. I’m thick, an outcast with no future plans. […]
Imprisoned. Staring with a stare that defines my own. I’m here but somewhere else. I can’t hear the noise of sounds. Seeing pictures of my past to which I know will never last. I’m out for a moment, without being seen, but never moved a muscle, which is really obscene. There’s no one in charge […]
I listen to music when the tapping from the keyboards gets too loud. When you chew your food, I can feel the taste in my mouth. The cry from a baby magnifies through my ears, but I’m patient and wipe away all the tears. I’m sensitive to all the things you can’t see. I’m sensitive […]
I feel my thoughts. Thoughts talk to me through words. Words are silent when they decide to converse. Converse with a moment that defines this curse. Tapping out the letters to make sense to you. You might not understand the contents of this perverse. Perverse your mind to extract the darkness from the blind. Blind […]