The Quest For The Unknown


In realms of thought, where reason takes its flight, metaphysical musings find their height. A tapestry of questions, woven fine, unraveling the fabric, line by line. Beyond the senses, in the abstract plane, existence and its nature to explain. From Plato’s cave to Kant’s transcendent shore, the mind explores what lies forevermore. Ontology, the study […]

A Glimpse Into Metaphysical Philosophy


Metaphysical philosophy, often regarded as the foundational inquiry into the nature of reality, transcends the tangible world and delves into the fundamental questions that underlie existence itself. At its core, metaphysics seeks to understand the nature of being, the essence of reality, and the relationship between the physical and non-physical realms. It grapples with questions […]

11 Powerful Wisdoms To Help Reflect On Life


Some of these wisdoms I have written myself but others I have remembered. Do any resonate with you? 1. Your imagination is a subatomic world of energy that can be manipulated to form physical matter. You are a God! 2. If you compete against other people, eventually, you will become bitter. If you compete against […]

The 5 Senses Of Self


To become the best at whatever you do in both mind and physical connection, you need to be able to make simple calculations of information that is happening around you and everyone else. You absorb vast amounts of data through your five senses. Most of it is discarded because you can’t process it. The key […]

Popular Crypto Wallets For Your NFT Collection


A crypto wallet, also known as a cryptocurrency wallet, is a software program or hardware device that enables individuals to securely store, manage, and interact with their digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies. It functions similarly to a traditional wallet used to hold physical cash and cards, but instead, it deals with digital currencies. Crypto wallets […]

What Are The Different States Of Meditation?


Many people from different walks of life meditate. Meditation is a form of exercise that reverses the physical output from your daily life cycle; it brings peace, balance and fills your mind and body with positive energy. To engage in meditation doesn’t mean you must be highly religious, believe in a god or live in […]