To become the best at whatever you do in both mind and physical connection, you need to be able to make simple calculations of information that is happening around you and everyone else. You absorb vast amounts of data through your five senses. Most of it is discarded because you can’t process it. The key is to become acute to them all. With this mindset, you will start seeing your life and the people around you – from a different perspective. It’s a powerful combination of natural evolution.

Visual Sense


The ‘visual sense’ is your most powerful tool in obtaining an understanding of perception and overall capability. Harness your visual sense to read body language, movement, positioning, colour and light; if you can teach yourself the art of visual stimulation through interpreting another person’s body language. You will become a significant player in any social setting.

Focus on details such as facial expressions. Study eye movement and positioning, eyebrow patterns, rapid eyelid gestures, raising or lowering of the forehead, lips, cheeks and nose. Everyone uses different modes of action, depending on what they are talking about or doing. To understand why they are doing it will tell you the answer to questions, without even having to ask the question.

Body posture is another mechanism for visual stimulation, following the walk, stance and hand movements. Connect your display of positioning and try to interact for social acceptance.

Everyone interacts and reacts differently, depending on how they perceive themselves internally.

Study people and look beyond the norms of everyday reality.

Sometimes you can make assumptions about the information being presented. Let’s say you are sitting in a coffee shop and you can hear multiple conversations, there’s a lot of movement, you’re picking up on different smells, and you find yourself shutting off 90% of the external information. You will engage with your thoughts and carry on with what you define as normality. However, an older man walks into the coffee shop; you can smell his odour, he looks very plain, with no branded t-shirts, a rough-looking beard, dirty hands and a very aged face. You may make assumptions and judgments about who this person is and come to false conclusions. He may be worth a small fortune and own serval businesses, he’s been busy today – going to and from each location. He had to fix several machines because he was the only one with the knowledge to get the job done.

He now sits next to you in the coffee shop. Do you ignore or engage in polite conversation? The point is… don’t make the judgement before understanding the actual reality.

Sense of Touch


To touch another brings with it a colossal chemistry of connection. When you contact someone on a friendship level, you enforce your verbal recognition. A shoulder tap, handshake, pat or cuddle heightens the mechanical acceptance of joy. To touch a new person tends to open up a vulnerable path, and a sense of security is instantly opened up. To touch a loved one, such as a family member or your partner; is a powerful act and brings with it all emotional experiences.

A touch used accurately in the right circumstances can open up or defuse a situation. The key is to know when to use it while extracting the information you’re visually attaining.

Let’s say you are attracted to a woman or a man. A little shoulder touch, maybe an elbow touch or high arm touch with your hand, can open or close someone (Used while engaging a conversation). A slight touch will have a response from the receiver, which will be in the form of rejection or acceptance.

Rejection could be the other person slightly stepping or turning away, or they could use a verbal follow-up. A conversation about their other half is a polite warning that they don’t want to be flirtatious with you. Understanding these layers of social engagement is a simple mechanism of psychological intervenience while accepting that other layers could exist. They may need more time to get to know and understand you as a person.

An acceptance of touch could be the other person touching you back. They may tap you or move closer and engage with your domain. These types of passive engagements don’t necessarily mean they are willing to accept you as a new partner, but they have accepted you initially.

Taste and Smell


Science has taught us that your taste is linked in with your sense of smell. You taste your sense of smell. These senses tell us information without us being aware of it. They signal danger and stress and make us remember locations, or tell us when someone with a distinctive smell is close. Odours can also make us feel relaxed, feel funny or be disgusted. The taste and smell of mint can make you feel more confident as you know other people you talk too will be picking up on the same pleasant vapours.

You can also find a partner through smell. You won’t pick up on it at first, but if you make a connection with the opposite sex and exchange in conversation, you instantly know if they are a match. Especially if you are picky about your partner selection. Their body odour will tell you in detail if your genes will mix well and create strong offspring.



Sometimes in conversation, we only hear or pick out information that we want to hear. Occasionally the information received is muffled, or partially understood; due to accent, pronunciation and the language barrier. You can train your mind to slow down sound waves and pick out information, enabling you to understand what is being asked. Once you get acute to this process, you will find yourself repeating the sentence over again in your mind allowing you to hear the correct information for final confirmation. Slowing information down is a powerful tool and can be best practised over the phone or in noisy places. Listening to questions for the first time can open up more doorways in your mind. You will have the answer ready and feel more in control of any given situation.

What Are The Feelings That Go Beyond The Senses?

The feelings that go beyond the five senses are often associated with abstract or subjective experiences that can be difficult to quantify or explain using traditional sensory perception. These feelings may involve complex emotions, spiritual or metaphysical experiences, and states of consciousness that are not solely reliant on sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Some examples include:

  1. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It goes beyond simply perceiving their facial expressions or body language but involves a deeper emotional connection.
  2. Intuition: A gut feeling or a sense of knowing that isn’t based on conscious reasoning. It’s often described as a sixth sense that provides insights beyond what can be explained through logic.
  3. Spirituality: Feelings related to a connection with a higher power, a sense of transcendence, or experiences that are beyond the physical realm.
  4. Love: Love is a complex emotion that encompasses a wide range of feelings, from affection and attachment to passion and deep connection. It’s not solely a sensory experience but involves a complex interplay of emotions and thoughts.
  5. Deja Vu: A feeling of having already experienced a situation, even if it’s happening for the first time. This phenomenon is not fully understood and goes beyond our conventional understanding of memory.
  6. Nostalgia: A bittersweet longing for the past, which isn’t directly linked to the five senses but is a complex emotion tied to memory and personal experiences.
  7. Flow State: The feeling of being completely immersed and focused in an activity, to the point where you lose track of time and have a heightened sense of performance. It’s a state of optimal experience that transcends basic sensory input.
  8. Altered States of Consciousness: This includes experiences like meditation, lucid dreaming, or psychedelic experiences, which can lead to feelings of expanded awareness or a different sense of reality.
  9. Transcendence: A feeling of going beyond or rising above ordinary limits, often associated with spiritual or philosophical experiences.
  10. Awe: The feeling of wonder, amazement, and reverence in the face of something grand or greater than oneself. It’s often described as a profound, transcendent emotion.

These experiences are highly subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. They often involve a complex interplay of psychological, emotional, and sometimes even metaphysical factors. As such, they can be difficult to study scientifically and are often considered in the realm of philosophy, spirituality, and personal introspection.

How Can We Feel People Looking At Us?

The feeling of being watched, sometimes referred to as “gaze detection,” is a phenomenon that many people claim to experience. While it’s not fully explained by science, there are some theories that combine elements of physics and intuition to potentially account for this sensation:

  1. Subtle Changes in Energy Fields (Physics):
    • Electromagnetic Fields: The human body emits a weak electromagnetic field. Some theories suggest that when someone looks at you, their gaze may interact with your own electromagnetic field. This interaction could potentially create a subtle change in the energy field around you, which might be perceptible on a subconscious level.
    • Infrasound or Subsonic Vibrations: Some studies suggest that low-frequency vibrations or infrasound may be associated with certain psychological experiences. It’s possible that when someone looks at you, there could be very subtle vibrations or energy changes in the environment that your body senses.
  2. Peripheral Vision and Instinct (Intuition):
    • Peripheral Vision: Our peripheral vision is quite sensitive to motion. Even if we’re not consciously aware of someone’s gaze, our peripheral vision may pick up on the movement of their eyes turning toward us. This could trigger an intuitive sense that we’re being watched.
    • Evolutionary Instinct: Throughout human evolution, being aware of potential predators or other individuals observing us could have been crucial for survival. This might have led to the development of an instinctual awareness of when we’re being watched.
  3. Social Awareness and Body Language (Intuition):
    • Unconscious Cues: Humans are highly social creatures, and we’re skilled at picking up subtle cues in body language and facial expressions. Even if we’re not consciously aware of it, we might pick up on someone’s intent to look at us based on their body language.
  4. Confirmation Bias (Psychological):
    • Selective Memory: It’s important to note that people tend to remember instances when they felt they were being watched and the person was indeed looking at them. Instances where they felt this but were not being watched are often forgotten. This creates a confirmation bias, making it seem like the feeling is more accurate than it actually is.

It’s worth mentioning that this phenomenon is not well-understood or extensively studied in the scientific community, and there’s no conclusive evidence to support any particular theory. It’s likely that a combination of psychological, perceptual, and possibly even subtle physical factors contribute to this sensation. As a result, explanations often blend elements of physics and intuition to account for this intriguing human experience.

The Human Emotions Of Love

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that involves a range of other emotions and feelings. Here are some of the human emotions commonly associated with love:

  1. Affection: A warm feeling of fondness, tenderness, and care for someone.
  2. Attachment: A deep emotional bond and connection to another person.
  3. Trust: A sense of reliance and confidence in the person you love.
  4. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of the person you love.
  5. Joy: A feeling of happiness and contentment when you’re with the person you love.
  6. Gratitude: A sense of appreciation for the presence and impact of the person in your life.
  7. Contentment: Feeling at ease and satisfied in the presence of the person you love.
  8. Passion: Intense, often romantic, feelings of desire and attraction.
  9. Sacrifice: A willingness to put the needs and well-being of the person you love above your own.
  10. Vulnerability: Being open and exposed emotionally, knowing that the person you love won’t intentionally hurt you.
  11. Jealousy: A protective emotion that arises when there’s a perceived threat to the relationship.
  12. Frustration: Can occur when there are challenges or conflicts within the relationship.
  13. Patience: The ability to tolerate and endure challenges or difficulties in the relationship.
  14. Compassion: A deep sympathy and concern for the well-being of the person you love.
  15. Desire for Intimacy: A longing for emotional, physical, and sometimes intellectual closeness with the person you love.
  16. Security: Feeling safe, both emotionally and physically, in the presence of the person you love.
  17. Respect: Holding the person you love in high regard and valuing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
  18. Altruism: A sense of selflessness and a desire to do good for the person you love.
  19. Grief and Loss: Love can also bring about feelings of sadness and mourning if the relationship faces challenges or comes to an end.

Moreover, the experience and expression of these emotions can vary greatly depending on the individual, the nature of the relationship, and the cultural context. Additionally, love can evolve and change over time, leading to shifts in the emotional landscape of a relationship.

How To Spot Lies

Detecting lies based solely on body language can be tricky, as it’s not a foolproof method and can lead to misunderstandings. However, there are some common signs that might indicate someone is being deceptive. These signs, known as “nonverbal cues,” can include:

  1. Inconsistent facial expressions: For example, they might smile while discussing a sad or serious topic.
  2. Avoiding eye contact: Some people find it difficult to maintain eye contact when they are being dishonest.
  3. Fidgeting or restlessness: This could include tapping fingers, shifting weight, or playing with objects.
  4. Excessive blinking: Rapid or excessive blinking can sometimes be a sign of nervousness.
  5. Touching face or mouth: This can be a subconscious attempt to cover up a lie.
  6. Grooming gestures: Adjusting clothes, smoothing hair, or similar actions can be a sign of nervousness.
  7. Microexpressions: Very brief facial expressions that flash across a person’s face and can reveal true emotions.
  8. Sudden changes in posture or body language: Abrupt shifts in body position can indicate discomfort or defensiveness.
  9. Speech hesitations or stammering: Difficulty speaking fluently can be a sign of nervousness.
  10. Inconsistencies between verbal and nonverbal cues: For example, they might nod their head while saying “no.”
  11. Lack of emotional expression: They may not display the expected emotions for the situation.
  12. Excessive sweating: This can be a physical response to stress or nervousness.
  13. Palms facing down: Some interpret this as a sign that someone might be hiding something.
  14. Overly elaborate or rehearsed gestures: Trying too hard to appear natural can be a sign of deception.

Remember that these cues are not definitive proof of lying and can vary greatly depending on the individual, cultural differences, and other contextual factors. Some people may naturally exhibit these behaviours even when telling the truth, and others may be skilled at concealing their emotions.

Additionally, many factors can influence body language, including nervousness, anxiety, or discomfort unrelated to lying. Therefore, it’s best to consider these cues in combination with other information and not rely solely on body language when determining if someone is being deceptive.

The Message

Use your senses wisely and be aware of what they are capable of. You can have more control over any given situation. Once you’re more aware of what information is being picked up, you will feel all senses working as one. It can take years to master each one, and you may find slight enhancements depending on your hobbies, employment or anything else you might find yourself doing.

Don’t abuse them and use your heightened senses for manipulation purposes. Be humble, help others and be kind.

2 thoughts on “The 5 Senses Of Self

  1. Pingback: A Glimpse Into Metaphysical Philosophy

  2. Pingback: Questioning Consciousness

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