A spiritual awakening is a happening of self-realisation while seeing reality for what it is. It can happen to anyone, but as an individual, you must seek it. Once it happens to you (awakened), it cannot be undone. You can choose to ignore it and rely on ignorance to relieve the burden you carry. It has positive and negative effects, but you must learn to accept this reality first.

In short, a spiritual awakening is a higher perspective of self, defined by rules experienced by the human condition. It’s an understanding of everything which defines your existence.

The words spiritual and awakening combined, have nothing to do with religion, religious groups or cults. Many religions use the power of a spiritual awakening to help manipulate your mind. They want you to see the truth as a belief system to which few benefit. To believe in God doesn’t mean you must belong to a religion. Why would any creator want their creations to worship them?

How To Seek The Awakening?

Spiritual awakenings don’t come easy. However, many doorways can be opened that will put you on the correct path. The term awakened means just that. To be awake from the shroud that is put in place to make the masses blind. Many people have come forward and tried to show the public what is going on. History shows us that even Gods, Kings and Queens have been removed by revolutions spread by the awakened.

In today’s world, built on the foundations of religion; innovative layers of misinformation have blinded people. It’s effortless to program the human mind to believe in something untrue. After all, the brain is a sophisticated organic computer, designed to remember information and execute an understanding of self, through facts or creative desires.

To seek an awakening can be difficult because it relies on you studying many aspects of reality. However, this can be sparked by something that bends your mind inside out. Some of the great ones include:

Strange Anomalies To Spark An Awakening

  • A psychedelic experience using DMT or Mushrooms
  • Seeing a UFO in the sky (Not a pinprick that looks like a satellite but something you have seen up close, and is huge when compared to traditional aircraft)
  • Having out-of-body experiences
  • Hearing or feeling a noise that goes against everything you know; which leads to questioning and exploration
  • Seeing a human entity, ghost or shadows that enforces a sensation of fear or other human emotion, because it shouldn’t be there
  • Experiencing vivid dreams that somehow come true or mean something to you
  • Visiting ancient monuments or buildings, like the Pyramids of Egypt and not being happy with the explanation you received
  • Reading controversial books and articles or listening to podcasts classified as fake news or misinformation
  • Seeing an event on live TV or other forms of media and realising or feeling that something is wrong. The mainstream media are fooling you.

Notice how all the above cause conflict in modern society. The reason can spark a direct connection to a spiritual awakening.

These signals can start a process that enforces research. With knowledge comes the ultimate power of the human mind. The more you engross yourself in a subject, the more doors open that feed the path to a spiritual awakening.

Ancient history, Astronomy, Nikola Tesla, Meditation, Conspiracy theories, Religious History, Politics, Quantum Mechanics, Einstein, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci and much more, unlock you to the greater understandings of your position on this planet.

Spiritual enlightenment can also come from a few other variables in life. These could include:

  • Deep thoughts about life and the universe you live in
  • You’re not happy with your relationship or family (midlife crises)
  • You feel lost, confused and bored with life
  • Feelings may point to you being in the wrong place, the wrong planet, the wrong time
  • You need direction, a need to move forward and continue with your existence.

Experiencing these thoughts and extraordinary feelings can change your whole outlook on life. You may feel depressed, full of anxiety or feel stagnant with a foggy mind.

Perceiving these senses is standard for most people, and you should never feel alone. Something may happen to you that gives you a moment of clarity. It can be anything from a thought to a physical attribution that makes you change direction. These collective anomalies is a doorway opening for you; Your very being is creating a moment of significance that makes you realise change is needed to move forward.

Spiritual enlightenment can be a pathway to a broader understanding of life. A simple change in your life journey can lead to an awakening. It could be a complete change in your career or the next step in your employment. You may need to speed up or completely change your thought processing. You will feel yourself changing, have more responsibility, more power over choice and other peoples well being. Tread carefully, take ownership and do what’s right for everyone.

How Do I Know If I’m Awake?

Being awake is difficult at first. It can lead to a short spell of depression, enlightenment and give you life skills that go beyond everyone you know. You can bend reality the way you want it to happen, but ultimately you realise you have a purpose of awakening others. Many people will reject your teachings while others will embrace them and thank you for it. You will also feel a heightened sense of human emotions and understand feelings. You can help people with problems and make right all that is wrong.

Furthermore, you can understand that the reality you see before your eyes – extend to primary societies. These alternative ways of life are lived by elites, who point and make demands on a global scale. All of which understand the power of too many people becoming awake. They rely heavily on the media to spread fear tactics among the masses.

The trick is to make people feel in control while they simply have no power at all. However, this battle will inevitably be lost as the elite struggle for layers of misinformation. The awakened mind sees through misdirection and untruthful agendas.

What Happens If More People Become Awakened?

More people are becoming awakened. Waves of change have already shaken country leaders, dictators and elites. The power of advanced civilisation technology, like smartphones and the internet, is making it easy for messages to travel fast. Revolutions are inevitable, especially where power is being abused and manipulated. The laws that define our reality – switch to bring balance and uncover the shroud that blind the public. The Universe demands harmony and a change of power.

This article represents the starting or finish point of a spiritual awakening. The bits in the middle need to be learned as you go. Your research will show you that not all you see and read is correct. It’s up to us to make a change, so everyone benefits and enjoys life as we know it. Paradoxical Vista has been written to offer you doorways into a heightened perspective of reality. You need to find the path and connect the dots.

Check out the book on Amazon – Observations – The Keys To The Universe.

6 thoughts on “What Is A Spiritual Awakening?

  1. Mark says:

    Great information and my questions have been answered after reading your article. Every evening, when I rest, I bite the dust. Furthermore, the following morning, when I get up, I am reawakened. You can visit this blog on What You Should Know About Spiritual Rebirth.

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