I wish I could play the guitar. I would write a song that pulled the strings on your heart. I wish I could play the piano. I would play the keys to resonate with your mind. I wish I did it in my younger years where ‘youth’ was still ahead of me. I wish I […]
Monthly Archives: July 2020
I met this woman in my dreams. She came and found me after a couple of years. With a smile and drink – We made love under the warm rainy skies. She is the woman who swims in my life. We made children who leave us distinctively surprised. She’s trouble – living in a bubble […]
I stuck around forever When you thought I was going to leave I would rather die a sudden death Than leave you without my tears. You may think I don’t show You may think I don’t know But you know That’s why I don’t tell you so. Your asking for all the things you already […]
Why am here? I have no answers. What do they want with me? I have nothing to give! I feel locked up through this moment of deluded range. What is my purpose? My words are lost through walls and landscapes. Can you see my wrinkly, blue and yellow face? I talk in conversation. I listen […]
I was born in a town called Wellingborough – where all the families mixed in. As a kid growing up on a council estate – we did plenty to fit in. My friends came knocking at my door – so we could play games in the street. We never really went hungry – with white […]
Observations – The Keys To The Universe, manifested itself into reality with one question in mind: what’s on the other side of a black hole? If we as a species were able to build a ship that could enter into the vortex of the unknown: where would we end up and what would we find? […]
Amanda was the girl who left me high and dry With her locks of beautiful blond hair and blue miracle eyes The only girl who kept me in a state where I questioned the divine. She left me, and I left her at the crossroads from the beginning of time. Girls only see my lazy […]
What does one man need from the world? I’ve seen you in your ten grand suit Fancy cars and happy moods I’ve seen you walk past the kids in the road With your attitude and fake vape smoke When will you see… What does one man need from the world? Take me away from this […]
Put your phone on the table Turn your tablet off too It’s time to be social with life And not that digital clue I’ve seen the world in danger The kids don’t have a plan Friends have become strangers Technology is destroying minds We can all be dreamers But I’ve made up my mind The […]
I met a philosopher who couldn’t change the world. I spoke to a poet who couldn’t sell any books. I saw a spaceman without a suit – he lost his rocked near Neptune. It’s a funny kind of world. I met this transparent supergirl. The postman works for food because his wages paint him nude. […]
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