I met a philosopher who couldn’t change the world.
I spoke to a poet who couldn’t sell any books.
I saw a spaceman without a suit – he lost his rocked near Neptune.
It’s a funny kind of world.
I met this transparent supergirl.

The postman works for food because his wages paint him nude.
I watched this program called Suits – work out who you are and live the way you should.
It’s a funny kind of world.
Alexandra dances with me in a twirl.

No one really knows the answers to this tour
But I’ve got a pounding headache from all this talk.

I’ve found the paracetamol in the draw.
I’m paying for the water bill that lands in the door.
Who put the suitcase on the floor? I’m not packed yet I need a minute more.
This girl has got me crazy with her way – I think I’m going to marry her in the month of May.

It’s a funny kind of world
Because Alexandra pays her way.

I met a philosopher who couldn’t change the world.
I spoke to a poet who couldn’t sell any books.
I saw a spaceman without a suit – he lost his rocked near Neptune.
It’s a funny kind of world.
I met this transparent supergirl.

Ow Alexandra how we could
Ow Alexandra
Ow Alexandra
Ow Alexandra…

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