The Gods gave us their gifts!
A delightful combination of delicate demands –
developed through a master plan,
to make all worthy who speak the truth;
let me help you contemplate the proof.

All the gifts are in your hands
from love to creating life and living out your plan;
all while experiencing reality in this scam.

Worshipping the gods brings nothing
as they gave you all their gifts to create all of your myths
while playing out a vista in a paradoxical twister
that you won’t understand until your death.

You’re a God!
With all the gifts.
Worship yourself, while being humble,
give back to all who stumble,
upon your teachings of relative thrifts.

The Gods smile down on all who are free,
experiencing life’s plan without a positioned crown.

The day may come when they show you the way,
worshipping a statue of humans at play,
which needs to be taken, immediately away.

The key to life is to know your gifts,
give them back to reality,
to make this it!

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