Awoken into that light of day,
still here from yesterday a place of unspoken.
Not gone yet, I see, as the body starts to feel.
On again, to the numbness of employment.

Paying for all that is spoken into these foreseen moments
of encapsulating components;
to which deliver devotion and a little emotion.

On the roads ahead while delivering life from beyond the bed.
One day all will be dead!

Awoken into that light of day ready to take on another slay.
Someone take us to the grave before life unravels its real say.

Awaiting to retire with no plan ahead
while delivering life from beyond the bed.

Is all this a waste of great taste?
Beyond a transparent interface.
One day we shall know the point of life – you know.

Awoken into that light of day
while delivering life from beyond the bed.

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