We purchased a washing machine from Samsung
This thing has a little sing-song
When you start and finish each programme.

Flashes of LED blue
With noises that speak to you
I thought for a moment it was R2D2.

But this thing really moves
With speeds that go beyond me and you.

The dirty clothes come out clean and fresh
While the sound it made on turbo spin,
Didn’t shake the house down and make us turn our heads.

With it’s A*** star rating for efficiency
The family is saving with this witchery.
Especially, with this eco bubble bling
It makes all our heads spin.

To top it all off
We got this 5-year warranty thing
It makes us feel like we’re on a win.

Plus we got a discount
With money off for our loyalty.
So, surely, we must be quids in.

Let the future of reality begin.

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