Mars, a cold red planet in our solar system circulating a star in perfect hibernation, awaiting to be terraformed by an intelligent life form.

An exciting prospect that could be started in this lifetime? Impossible, but if there is a will, there is always a way.

Mars has an atmosphere that is being stripped away by the Suns natural radiation. It needs a little help and protection. Can we do it?

Mission 1

We build a solar powered satellite that has a powerful electromagnetic core. This core generates its own magnetic protection that radiates across at the biggest possible diameter to protects Mars from losing any more atmosphere. This will need to be positioned in the correct location from planet Mars and the Sun. It depends on the strength and diameter of the magnetic screen as to where it shall be positioned in space.

Mars is 227.9 million km from the Sun and the diameter of the magnetic field created from the satellite will give us the mathematics for perfect positioning. Solar power will generate the electromagnet pulse and continuous position of the satellite.

A good starting point for a likely magnet.


Mission 1.1

If the huge solar powered satellite is beyound us, then we could create and build smaller satellites with the same technology and position them within the orbit of Mars. The satalights could creat a magnetic grid formation to protect the atmospher of Mars.

Mission 2

Once the atmosphere has stabilized we are now in a position to send the first seed bomb, to invade the awaiting landscape.

What is Mars’ atmosphere made of?

The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth’s, and it is 95 percent carbon dioxide. Here’s a breakdown of its composition:

Carbon dioxide: 95.32 percent
Nitrogen: 2.7 percent
Argon: 1.6 percent
Oxygen: 0.13 percent
Carbon monoxide: 0.08 percent
Water, nitrogen oxide, neon, hydrogen-deuterium-oxygen, krypton and xenon.

Almost perfect growing conditions for life as we know it. Just a couple of sprinkles missed out for good measure. It would be boring if it was too easy.

Carbon dioxide from the air is breathed in by the leaves. Energy from the sun is collected by the leaves. The energy is used to turn the water and carbon dioxide into food. The waste from making plant food is oxygen.

The delivery of seeds through a bomb will have to be very creative. We would have to start with vegetation that doesn’t need pollination, a little water and likes the cold. We would also have to send a method to create regular rain in a particular area. Maybe an oxygen and hydrogen bomb that explodes over the main area of the initial seed bomb. This will mix together on the way down and spread rain over a wider surface area below.

Once the oxygen levels increase and vegetation starts to spread, we can send up more flowers and then introduce insects. By this time, we should have an establishment on the surface and planet should be warmer through green natural greenhouse gasses not being able to escape too easily in the outer atmosphere.


Mission 3

That satellite won’t last forever and the aim of the game is to produce our own magnetic field to protect Mars. This would mean an advanced system based towards the center of the planet’s core, or a system that sits on the surface that can send a magnet field high above the surface of the planet.

Tesla gave us the answer here with his magnetic and frequency experiments.

Mission 4

As the air changes and more oxygen is introduced we can then be in a position to start adding more wildlife. Mars also rotates on its axis, completing one revolution every 24.6 hours. The axis of Mars is tilted at 25 degrees and 12 minutes relative to its orbital plane about the Sun. This produces seasons on the surface of Mars, similar to the seasons on Earth. This is a great position to be in, at least we don’t have to add a fake moon.

Mission 5

Only introduce humans that understand democracy and would like to populate the planet in a peaceful and respectful balanced way.

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